
of participation

Conditions of participation

pronorm Einbauküchen GmbH Instagram Lottery

I. Subject of the Conditions of Participation and Organiser

  1. These Terms and Con­di­tions of Par­ti­cip­a­tion gov­ern the con­di­tions for par­ti­cip­a­tion in the com­pet­i­tion and any neces­sary trans­fers of rights. The descrip­tion and the pro­ced­ure of the respect­ive lot­tery are car­ried out with­in the frame­work of the respect­ive lot­tery action on Ins­tagram from pro­norm Ein­bauküchen GmbH.
  2. The organ­iser of the lot­tery is pro­norm Ein­bauküchen GmbH, Höfer­feld 5–7, 32602 Vlotho, Deutschland.
  3. By par­ti­cip­a­tion in the respect­ive lot­tery, these con­di­tions of par­ti­cip­a­tion are accepted.
  4. The lot­tery is not con­nec­ted to Instagram.

II. Partipants

  1. Any­one over the age of 18 is eli­gible to par­ti­cip­ate in the lot­tery. Excluded are employ­ees of pro­norm Ein­bauküchen GmbH and affil­i­ated com­pan­ies. Par­ti­cip­a­tion with forged iden­tit­ies or with iden­tit­ies of third parties is not permitted.
  2. Eli­gible par­ti­cipants can take part in the lot­tery by link­ing the lot­tery post­ing, mark­ing two friends under the entry and becom­ing a fan of the site — pro­norm Ein­bauküchen GmbH.
  3. Par­ti­cip­a­tion is pos­sible from 03.12.2020 to 06.12.2020, 23:59 for the St. Nich­olas lot­tery. Par­ti­cip­a­tion is pos­sible from 14.12.2020 to 20.12.2020, 23.59 for the Christ­mas lottery.

III. Prizes and prize notification

  1. Among all eli­gible par­ti­cipants, we will lot­tery 1. STELTON water boil­er in the St. Nich­olas lot­tery. Among all eli­gible par­ti­cipants we raffle 1. KIT­CHENAID hand mix­er in the Christ­mas lottery.
  2. The win­ner will be selec­ted ran­domly from all eli­gible par­ti­cipants with­in one week of the clos­ing date for entries. The win­ner will be noti­fied by Ins­tagram dir­ect message.
  3. If we do not receive any feed­back from a win­ner with­in 7 days after noti­fic­a­tion of the prize, the claim to the prize shall expire. In this case we are entitled to carry out a sub­sti­tute draw.
  4. The prize is not trans­fer­able or can be exchanged or paid out in cash.
  5. If cir­cum­stances arise for which we are not respons­ible, the respect­ive win­ner accepts an appro­pri­ate sub­sti­tute prize. Such cir­cum­stances for which we are not respons­ible are, in par­tic­u­lar, those which are the respons­ib­il­ity of the spon­sors of the prizes.
  6. The prizes will be sent to the win­ners by post.

IV. Granting of rights of use

  1. By accept­ing the prize, the win­ner agrees that we may use his/her name for advert­ising purposes.

V. Liability and release

  1. If the par­ti­cipant uploads pho­tos, the par­ti­cipant guar­an­tees that he/she will not send any con­tent whose pro­vi­sion, pub­lic­a­tion or use viol­ates applic­able law or the rights of third parties.
  2. The par­ti­cipant shall indem­ni­fy us against claims of third parties of any kind res­ult­ing from the illeg­al­ity of pho­to­graphs used by the par­ti­cipant. The indem­ni­fic­a­tion oblig­a­tion also includes the oblig­a­tion to fully indem­ni­fy the organ­iser from leg­al defence costs (e.g. court and lawyer’s fees).
  3. By par­ti­cip­at­ing in the lot­tery, the par­ti­cipant releases Face­book from any liability.

VI. Exclusion

  1. Any viol­a­tion of these con­di­tions of par­ti­cip­a­tion entitles us to exclude the respect­ive par­ti­cipant from par­ti­cip­a­tion. This applies in par­tic­u­lar if the par­ti­cipant provides false inform­a­tion or if the pho­tos or oth­er con­tent (e.g. com­ments) used viol­ate applic­able law or the rights of third parties. The same applies to com­ments that may be regarded as glor­i­fy­ing viol­ence, offens­ive, har­ass­ing or degrad­ing, or which oth­er­wise viol­ate social decency.
  2. If the excluded par­ti­cipant is a win­ner already drawn, the prize may be sub­sequently withdrawn.

VII. Early termination and amendments

  1. We reserve the right to pre­ma­turely ter­min­ate the lot­tery in whole or in part at any time, even without adher­ence to dead­lines, or to change the course of the lot­tery if it is not pos­sible to guar­an­tee prop­er exe­cu­tion of the lot­tery for tech­nic­al (e.g. com­puter vir­us, manip­u­la­tion of or errors in software/hardware) or leg­al reas­ons (e.g. pro­hib­i­tion by Facebook).

VIII. Data protection

  1. We are respons­ible for the col­lec­tion, pro­cessing and use of per­son­al data of the par­ti­cipants if we pro­cess them ourselves. We will only use the per­son­al details of the par­ti­cipant and his or her oth­er per­son­al data with­in the frame­work of the leg­al pro­vi­sions of data pro­tec­tion law. We will only store, pro­cess and use the inform­a­tion to the extent that this is neces­sary for the exe­cu­tion of the lot­tery or the participant’s con­sent has been obtained. This also includes use to exer­cise the rights of use gran­ted. The data will be used exclus­ively for the exe­cu­tion of the lot­tery and sub­sequently deleted. The par­ti­cipant may at any time request inform­a­tion about the data stored about him or her. In all oth­er respects, our data pro­tec­tion notice applies accord­ingly, which can be accessed at

IX. Final provision

  1. Should the con­di­tions of par­ti­cip­a­tion con­tain inval­id pro­vi­sions, the valid­ity of the remain­ing pro­vi­sions shall remain unaffected.
  2. Ger­man law shall apply. Any leg­al recourse to review the draw is excluded.

Last update: November 2020

pronorm Einbauküchen GmbH
Höferfeld 5-7
32602 Vlotho