Eastern Westphalia? It’s the cradle of the kitchen industry. And us? We’re Pronorm, and we’re right in the middle of it. But we believe we are more than just another player. We are not interchangeable - in most cases, our competitors don’t even compare. We put customers, not products, at the centre of all we do and think. What does the customer need? What appeals to them? What are their expectations, requirements, and values? By answering these questions, we can develop what makes us stand out and what makes us so unique: Exactly the right kitchen, meeting the highest expectations for quality, with a modern, yet timeless design. Of course, our kitchens are always made in Germany, right here in Vlotho, as sustainably as possible. They are then perfectly planned and implemented via regional dealers, and installed to be the heart of a family's cooking, living space, and life for many years to come, around the world.


It all starts with an idea. We develop and research, produce and deliver based on that idea. We are driven by the will to do and deliver our best, day by day, with regional design and global implementation. A good idea? It doesn’t just come off the shelf. Even today, good ideas remain the result of creativity, experience, and curiosity. All of these values lie in us, paired with the strong desire to continuously develop ourselves and our products. With the ideas of today, prepared for the future.

You can achieve a goal alone. But you will rarely achieve all of your aims. Because of this, we have always trusted in people and partners who stand by our side. From customers to employees or our suppliers: We know how important all of these people are as our equal partners. Because of this, we meet them with trust, transparency, clarity, openness, and respectfulness. Or, in a word: appreciation.

Our products are the work of many hands. Our employees always stand behind them as a team. That is how we understand ourselves and our everyday work: We can only achieve the goals we set for ourselves together. With each individual, with their ideas, their strengths, and even their weaknesses. Because we know that innovation and quality only become a reality when people are seen, appreciated, supported, and challenged.

Our cus­tom­ers are our focus. Everything we think and do revolves around our cus­tom­ers. When time is a factor, we always move quickly and cau­tiously, if an idea needs time to mature. We think dynam­ic­ally when we look for­ward, and with an eye to tra­di­tion, when we think about our roots. For our cus­tom­ers, this means that they get everything we are. Our val­ues, our his­tory, and our vis­ion, com­bined in one product per­fectly tailored to the cus­tom­er and their needs.
We like to look back, but we nor­mally look for­ward. Because we know we have not yet arrived at our goal. We can always be just a little bit bet­ter, and fur­ther hone our skills. We go with the times, while remain­ing time­less. We pur­sue our goals – even if we know we will nev­er arrive, nev­er be fully sat­is­fied. And that is what we work for each and every day: To get just one step closer to this goal for our product and our customers.



  • Founding member of der Lehrfabrik Möbel. Thorsten Gösling is also a member of the Board of Directors.

  • Market launch of i-luminate, the new premium kitchen brand with self-developed, patented lighting profile.

  • Certification as a climate-neutral company by joining the "Climate Pact of the Furniture Industry" and being awarded the "Golden M" quality mark.

  • Awarded the "Furniture made in Germany" quality mark, which confirms that production, construction and quality control take place in Germany.

  • The long-time managing director Heinz Hachmeister retires. Thorsten Gösling and Roger Klinkenberg form the new dual management.

  • Market launch of the classic handleless design kitchen X-line.

  • Introduction of PEFC. PEFC guarantees that wood and paper products come from sustainably managed Forests.

  • Opening of the new exhibition and training centre in Vlotho.

  • Market launch of the unique handleless design kitchen Y-line. Still an important milestone for the success of pronorm.

  • Market launch of the successful ergonomic grid kitchen proline128.

  • Introduction of the quality management system DIN ISO 9001, environmental and safety certifications follow. Distinction as one of the first German kitchen manufacturers.

  • Start of sales activities in Germany. Product development ranges from a standard kitchen to an individually planned fitted kitchen.

  • Until 1983: Sale of simple so-called "block kitchens Main market: Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain.

  • Foundation by Karsten Müller as an owner-managed company.


Com­pany video

Exhib­i­tion video



In addition to the demand for quality, environmental protection is a task that is excellently solved in every respect.

Through environmentally friendly production within the framework of a permanent improvement process, pronorm pursues the goal of reducing resources and energy consumption, as well as noise pollution and waste generation.

pronorm's environmental performance is updated annually and documented in an environmental statement.